Sunday, January 09, 2011

note to self, buy flowers for girls following the 100 flowers rule

I was reminded of the 100-flowers episode recently. I think popular media in American tend to make people believe that those people who speaks out, who differentiate himself will win more often than those who don't. Although, now I feel that perhaps it's not right. Perhaps the best is to remain anonymous and unrecognized.

If a movement is started to try to find problems, I think maybe there is a larger probability that it is an effort to discover a few dissidents (for lack of a better word) than the probability that it is an earnest effort to make improvement. 80/20 rule rules. find that 20%, cut them off, and keep the 80% who will keep you happy.

I mean, that's the only rational thing to do. And in a democracy, it will actually work. 51/49 rule will work!

So, in sum, it seems that one should not fall pray to innocent request for comments and suggestions from their bosses when the request is made en masse.

anyways, some residual thoughts from 2010... happy new year everyone!

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