Tuesday, January 26, 2010

American dream

To wake up to the beat of your own people... pumping iron, dashing a couple of miles, well rested, body ready, spirit full.

grumbles from upset guy in urology

guy[to doc]: uhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK!!! did you fucking for get to use lubricant???!!!!!!!!

doc: oh shut up! most guys can take it

guy: fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!

doc: want me to stop? you fucking wimp??

guy: hey! fuck you! uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhgg!!!!! uuugh!!! ugh!!!! ouuuch ou ou ou ou!!!!!!!!! fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!

doc: com'on, only a few more seconds!

guy: yeah! but you didn't put on any lubricant!!!

doc: oh you fucking wimp, fine. comeback and I'll give you a full body sedative.

guy: fine!

doc: most guys can stand it, what's wrong with you!

guy: [[waits for him to withdraw completely]], hey! I know people up high, and you aren't young! I'll fucking make a call and make sure you get what you deserve when the time comes!!! fucking piece of crap!

doc: hey! you wimped out, wasn't my fault

An Altruistic Intellectual Working Models

Some years ago, late '04 I think, I wrote to some friends(almost all of whom have their advanced degree by now) about an intellectual work model that is without identity and monetary reward (but not without individualism nor identity). I admit that it's kind of childish, but it goes something like this: (and I apologize to my own blog if I've already posted this before)

  • Researchers are given secure and secret access to a research forum under uninformative pseudonyms.
  • Each person may be allowed to have more than one identity, but they cannot change the name once it is established.
  • They discuss/produce with each other under pseudonym.
  • They will share ideas, data, analysis, and perform simultaneous and instantaneous peer review--but entirely anonymous.
  • Posts are read-only. Corrections can be posted, but original public posts are kept immutable.
  • In order to guarantee anonymity, one approach is to use trusted reviewers (voted by democratically based on past behavior). These trusted reviewers will receive all discussions and summarize into either notes, or short write ups.
  • All significant participants to a piece of research(poster, scripts, paper, book, code, algorithm, ASCII art, etc., etc.) are listed as an author/owner(using pseudonym).
  • Reputation is established purely based on collective recognition of past timely contribution and clarity of explanation. External reputation is also established by external recognition--see later point on that.
  • The ultimate empirical approach by blinding participants to irrelevant aspects such as: race, sex, height, age, language, geographic location, time zones, financial status, government backing, religion, left/right handedness, balding or not, eye color, B.O. hidden agendas (so optimizes intellectual output without regard to the underlying motivation because past experience indicate some of best research come out of very racist and very evil scientist--thus the "mad scientist" cartoon caracture)
  • This intellectual work organization can participate in the larger scientific community by submitting work (with pseudonym affiliated with this organization) to established venues.
  • Larger work can be published as books but following conventional publication review, editorial and approval process. Money goes toward the organization for future research.
  • Patents belong to the organization and the anonymous authors. It's licensing is managed by authors who will come to agreement via small amount of private discussion and public declaration of decision.
  • Some small number of public servants must be delegated to implement outward facing aspects of the operation.

Criticism 0: It looks like I thought of this while failing out of graduate school... Couldn't quite compete in reality, so tried to make up a virtual world where I might have a chance.

Criticism 1: Try to think of an antagonistic environment that this was trying to overcome. The anonymous authors could come up with some kind of code to communicate with empathetic reviewer, (or if possible, through non-empathetic reviewer) in order to gang up on somebody that they don't like. So, ..., if you piss some people off, they can still kick you out.

Criticism 2: It's hard to guarantee responsible posting. What if somebody fakes data?

Criticism 3: They can always hack the computer and find out who's who in real life and dis you in person. There is probably no escaping reality... Sadly, digital security is not trustworthy enough yet for this to

Criticism 4: Sciences as they are is already very political. It is probably not possible to hide who the actual researcher is because of his research approaches.

Criticism 5: Allows for research motivated, (possibly entirely), by evil motivations.

Criticism 6: Ignores a most fundamental aspects of modern research: money; nobody will give money to such an organization, and without money, this is effectively without merit.

Criticism 7: Without monetary return, nobody would participate and contribute money making content.

Criticism 8: Who will be it's public officers? There is no single person who is trust worthy to all.

Criticisim 9: The organization's relationship to the real world is not addressed sufficiently. What if it breaks a law?...

Criticism 10: How to handle ownership of, say, a professor's work who has obligation to his university, or scientist's work to his company?

Criticism 11: Hasn't been thought through carefully in terms of how it works, what it does (who decides topic? can it even be productive without any legal or social restrictions?) , and how it works with existing research/intellectual world. What if the machines are hacked or the company is

Criticism 12: What's the difference between intellectual work and artistic work?

Criticism 13: More trouble than it's worth. Might as well admit that the world sucks and live with it... When people find out that they can't take advantage of other people, they will not participate.


from here.


copied from here.



copied from here...


淫词 {{青年以下大大不宜}}

乳者,奶也。妇人胸前之物,其数为二,左右称之。发与豆蔻,成于二八。白昼伏蜇,夜展光华。曰咪咪,曰波波,曰双峰,曰花房。从来美人必争地,自古英雄温 柔乡。其色若何?深冬冰雪。其质若何?初夏新棉。其味若何?三春桃李。其态若何?秋波滟滟。动时如兢兢玉兔,静时如慵慵白鸽。高颠颠,肉颤颤,粉嫩嫩,水 灵灵。夺男人魂魄,发女子骚情。俯我憔悴首,探尔双玉峰,一如船入港,又如老还乡。除却一身寒风冷雨,投入万丈温暖海洋。深含,浅荡,沉醉,飞翔。

here, here,
also apparently, not as indicated according to some sites。web says it's written by 陈独秀。Some things of similar form:

白 昼伏蛰,夜来站岗。曰棍棍,曰棒棒,曰单枪,曰金刚。从来美人必争地,自古英雄霄汉场。 其色若何?红烧香肠。其质若何?火炼金刚。其味若何?茉莉花香。其态若何?百兽之王。 动时, 如脱缰之马。静时, 如一卷棉花。高颠颠,强硬硬,雄姿姿,火烫烫。夺妇人骚情,发男人气魄。 扬我独傲首,探汝一只螃。单枪一匹马,妇人换绵羊。除却一身寒风冷雨,投入万丈火爆海洋。深探,浅徊,沉醉,梦乡

平 素含羞,出恭则花开。曰菊花,曰后庭,曰肛门,曰桃花。从来排泄必经地,自古男女皆尽然。 其色若何?红若脂粉。其质若何?张弛有道。其味若何?鲍鱼之肆。其态若何?蚌壳歙张。 动时,如玉茎喷薄。静时,如娇花含怯。湿润润,软绵绵,开且阔,金枪前。夺男人精华,涨男性雄姿。 扶我玉箍棒,探尔一黄龙。孤身鞭单骑,男女变狗熊。消却一身寒雨潇湘,置身万丈别样海洋。深探,浅还,沉醉,梦乡。

平 素不语,夜展光华。曰水鸡,曰密洞,曰桃源,曰私处。从来英雄用武地,自古霸王练枪场。 其色若何?初施粉黛。其质若何?初夏新棉。其味若何?醍醐灌顶。其态若何?蓬门初开。 动时,如狮子开口。静时,如婉尔一笑。软咚咚,滑腻腻,粉嫩嫩,水灵灵。夺英雄精血,发霸王豪情。 操我霸王枪,探你盘丝洞。九浅需一深,内射最欢畅。老夫聊发少年狂,能够多P更爽。跳蛋,电棒,滴蜡,捆绑

another entry from bai's page



only capable of messing things up

Chinese saying: "成事不足,败事有余" (see baidu)

reminds me often of the people who write viruses and hack other people's computers.... so talented, but not smart enough to accomplish anything.

An episode of "What's Worse"

This is an episode of "What's worse"...

What's worse?

Having a family but too busy working to make a living to spend any time them


Not having a family because I'm too busy working to have any time for a family



What's worse?

Knowing God and finding out that he has forsaken me


Not Knowing God at all.