Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Virtue of Adversity--You Know You're an American If...

In America, we grow people who excel in adversity. So after some two centuries, there only people who can work under severe adversarial situations. And the consequence is that organizations are built to provide adversity. Organizations are not designed for efficiency of operation for the precise reason that everybody only work when they're poked and prodded. Americans are only able to function when they're an army of one at war. Americans only behave when they're constantly watched. Americans only apologize when they are caught doing something atrocious. Americans only feel comfortable if there are residual and lasting problems in their product.

You may say that you are religious, and perform according to God's commands and rules, but you know just as well as I that you are an American.

So, you know you're an American if you fit the above descriptions.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Read an interesting article about a piece of Chinese composition today. The piece is written with the same sounding words in Chinese


All words sound like "shi" but with a different tone. The poem is about a person eating his favorite which is lions. There, I just read it to myself. can't help but giggle a bit. Here's another one:

羿裔熠,邑彝,义医,艺诣。熠姨遗一裔伊,伊仪迤,衣旖,异奕矣。  熠意伊矣,易衣以贻伊,伊遗衣,衣异衣以意异熠,熠抑矣。伊驿邑,弋一翳,弈毅。毅仪奕,诣弈,衣异,意逸。毅诣伊,益伊,伊怡,已臆毅矣,毅亦怡伊。翌,伊亦弈毅。毅以蜴贻伊,伊亦贻衣以毅。伊疫,呓毅,癔异矣,倚椅咿咿,毅亦咿咿。  毅诣熠,意以熠,议熠医伊,熠懿毅,意役毅逸。毅以熠宜伊,翼逸。熠驿邑以医伊,疑伊胰痍,以蚁医伊,伊遗异,溢,伊咦。熠移伊,刈薏以医,伊益矣。伊忆毅,亦呓毅矣,熠意伊毅已逸,熠意役伊。伊异,噫,缢。熠癔,亦缢。

The whole thing is pronounced "yi". The story is about a direct descendant of a mythical ancestor who lived when the earth was still forming and there were 10 suns. This mythical ancestor shot down 9 of them so that earth is inhabitable by his descendants.

Here's a copula more:




于瑜欲渔,遇余于寓。语余:“余欲渔于渝淤,与余渔渝欤?”余语与瑜:“余欲鬻玉,俞禹欲玉,余欲遇俞于俞寓。”余与于瑜遇俞禹于俞寓,逾 俞隅,欲鬻玉于俞,遇雨,雨逾俞宇。余语于瑜:“余欲渔于渝淤,遇雨俞寓,雨逾俞宇,欲渔欤?鬻玉欤?”于瑜与余御雨于俞寓,俞鬻玉于余禹,雨愈,余与于 瑜踽踽逾俞宇,渔于渝淤。








These are apparently known on the net as 同音文, or单音文, or univocalic:





Anyways, I'm off to find a book on this subject, (here's one ISBN:9787500470199同音文海宝韵合编整理与研究) And apparently there are English one's as well, tho less tongue twisty than Chinese versions:

No cool monsoons blow soft on Oxford dons, Orthodox, jog-trot, book-worm Solomons

is an example of English univocalic composition.