Saturday, March 29, 2008

You are only as young as

"the women you feel."

Thursday, March 13, 2008


人民网十大观宗教观 民族观 民主观 人权观 主权观 伦理观 价值观 人生观 宇宙观 文化观

人生观:What's life about?
价值观:What's Valuable?
世界观,宇宙观:What's the world/universe about?
审美观:What's beautiful?
伦理观,社会观,家庭观,种族观:What's Society about?

XX观: What's good/evil?

What else is there to life?

Sunday, March 09, 2008


A:Why does robinhood rob from the rich?
B:Because there's nothing to take from the poor

A:I hit your cat
B:uhh, I don't think so, what did it look like?
A:... kind of flat and runny
B: I meant before you hit it!!
A: ... uhh, scared (?)

Romans: We conquored the world.
Greek: We invented math
Romans: We invented sex
Greek: yeah, but it took the french to introduce it to women


oh hehe, say this horsy's name real fast
"hoof hearted"

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Chinese doesn't even have a word for kiss





不过最后,偶倒是查出了古人接吻的种种说道儿,古人不言"吻",说法之一是"度舌",很传神。然最传神的还是《聊斋志异 -
这是三姐讽刺新娘子的一句话,大意是说:"我早说过鬼丫头将来嫁个大连吧胡子,把小嘴扎破了!" "小吻" 者
from some news site.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

a vegitarian's confession

"Some times, I feel that eating is the most enjoyable thing in life,"
said one vegitarian...
"And watching people eat, is the second most enjoyable thing in life."
(he was obviously watching somebody chomp down on a big piece of steak)
"It's like sex, fun to have, but also fun to watch (as in porno"
...people stare at him blankly... on the verge of laughter...
"But I do have sex, you know that right?"
he added quickly, as if in an afterthought...