Wednesday, March 24, 2010

"Different levels of hatred from a man to a women"

  1. I have to work on not doing something violent or evil to her. If I'm drunk, that will happen.
  2. I cannot imagine being sad or any bit of remorse or regret if she was hurt or killed. If I'm drunk I would not touch her.
  3. I want to stay away from her to avoid hurting her--because that will happen if we're in close proximity. If I'm drunk I would probably sleep with her.
  4. Mild annoyance. eh, If I'm drunk, I would probably get her.
  5. Neutral. If I'm drunk I would probably not be able to get her into bed.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

"Alternative to Censorship"

Copied from the fart museum, but with some modifications after input from several readers.

Just saw this article in the WSj about Google removing censor on their Chinese search site.

So here's a thought: Why doesn't the CPC/CCP allow Falun Gone and anti-communist parties into the mainstream media (and main stream only).

A website is only as powerful as...

it's Google rank.

and it's rank on google, if google is not evil, is only influenced by popularity as expressed by hyper-links. And surely the CPC can set up enough websites to lower their websites to least ranking.

okay, so, if they advertise, then PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG, talk about a total black-hole for foreign cash. Think of all those Tibet supporting actors and congress men. Let them spend their cash on advertising IN CHINA!

Talk about a totally evil thing the CPC can do, is to bid on the same search terms as them and spend their cash!! They can recover the money by taxing the internet companies on political advertisements. And if they advertise on TV, that's even better!! Think of all the cash to be made! (With the government of course bidding the price up with their own super-soccer advertisement about how great the CCP is)

Of course, there is a problem of decency.

Again, risking PRC censorship, if some upset person makes a website that displays "FUCK CHAIRMAN MAO'S MOM'S PUSSY". It can be removed for indecency. And certainly it would never make it to TV.

And that would be totally fair. Because I believe every Chinese person in PRC will indicate to you that that is completely obscene. American media does filter for decency and Chinese government should also be allowed to filter for decency.

Just as quickly, a website displaying "FUCK GEORGE WASHINGTON'S MOM'S PUSSY", "FUCK LINCOLN'S MOM'S PUSSY"  would be defaced quickly... actually, in the west, possibly "FUCK JESUS'S MOM THE VIRGIN MARY's PUSSY", or "FUCK MUHAMMED IN THE ASS WITH GANESHA'S NOSE" would be closer in level of offensiveness for the rest of us.

But the main point is, it is a total cash cow for the Chinese government! And it's citizen's will totally be willing to be in on it, unlike it's current censorship policy, which I'm sure doesn't work well with many Chinese people.


Wednesday, March 03, 2010

"We're going to the water mattress"

What does one do if one wins a lottery of $2 million and tries to hostilly take over the company he works for? (say the company he works for is like mine and is a post 2007 California internet startup)

"Well, you'd have to convince at least one of the founders, and all of the VC's" says one of his antagonist, "and you probably can't do that with $2 million at this point."

Hmm... I thought...

"I'll make them an offer they can't refuse" said I falling into our typical fantasy roll playing tone at work, "$2 million can't buy much stocks here, but it sure still can buy some muscles. And if that fails, we'll goto the mattress... In fact! given that we're in San Francisco, we'll go to the water mattress."

Anyways, just felt like that conversation was kind of funny and worthy of the copyblog fame. Let it be known, that we planned to go to the water mattress in San Francisco Internet underworld....