Saturday, January 22, 2005

sticks and stone may break my bones...

...but you are one dumb hobbo.

--archie Bunker

Sticks and stocks may break my bones, but....

...I will never be hungary again!!!!!

sigh... got some wires crossed here...

Friday, January 21, 2005

Nothing unreal exists.

some very down to earth metaphysics.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Another one from S&C

Carrie: [[to miranda]] Sweety, RELAX!! Chew... don't worry, you'll get laid !!...

Where dimples come from

Well, according to Carrie from S&C, it comes from couples having sex during pregnancy... Ohh, yeah, and he has to be reasonably endowed...

Okay, here's the non-passive form:

Title: Should I have sex while pregnant???

Miranda: Should I have sex when I am pregnant?
Carrie: Yes, lots of people are pregnant and have sex.
Miranda: What if he is big?
Carrie: Lot's of guys are big...,
Miranda: Are you sure ??...[[reluctantly about to giveup]]
Carrie: Yes... Besides, where do you think dimples comes from...

[[well, have to imagine to very well dressed girl on S&C, chatting casually about it while walking down the side walk in the C]]

Sunday, January 16, 2005

stupid semi-religious joke about vegitarian

"Why should men be vegietarian..."
1: "Well, because he knows how painful it is to have a rib taken... and all the other consequences from the things that it is ade from"
1: "Why should men not be vegietarian"
1: "Well... The stuff that ribs are made of are just so damned good."

MLK quote for the holiday

"You won't remember your enemies' words... But you will remember your friends' silence."

Saturday, January 15, 2005

faint, this has to be the worst

人之初:At the begining of life.
  性本善:Sex is good.
  性相近:Basically,all the sex are same.
  习相远:But it depends on how the way you do it.
  苟不教:If you do not practise all the time.
  性乃迁:Sex will leave you..
  教之道:The way of learning it
  贵以专:is very important to make love with only one erson.
  昔孟母:Once a great mother, Mrs Meng
  择邻处:chose her neighbour to avoid bad sex influence.
  子不学:If you don‘t study hard,
  断机杼:Your Dick will become useless.
  窦燕山 Dou, the Famous
  有义方 owned a very effective exciting medicine
  教五子 All his five son took it!
  名俱扬 and their sexual ability were well-kown.
  养不教 If your children don‘t know how to do it,
  父之过 It is all the father’s fault.
  教不严 If they had lots of problems with it,
  师之惰 their teacher must be too lazy to tell them details on sex.
  子不学 You may refuse to study this
  非所宜 but that is a real mistake
  幼不学 If you don‘t learn it in childhood,
  老何为 you will lose your ability when aged
  玉不琢 If you don‘t exercise your dick,
  不成器 It won‘t become hard and strong.
  人不学 If you don‘t learn sex,
  不知义 You can by no means enjoy its sweetness

boss... that's too much color!!

[[u gota imagine her kinda liking it... then it's really weird]]




Thursday, January 13, 2005

unix t-shirt


Monday, January 03, 2005

ignorant bliss and informed despair

some adjetives for Andy's spining poster.