Tuesday, December 25, 2007
hula hula
-I'll say we are!
-Let's sing it now!
Okay, Simon?
Okay, Theodore?
Okay, Alvin? Alvin? ALVIN!
Christmas, Christmas time is near
Time for toys and time for cheer
We've been good, but we can't last
Hurry Christmas, hurry fast
Want a plane that loops the loop
Me, I want a hula hoop
We can hardly stand the wait
Please Christmas, don't be late.
Okay fellas get ready
That was very good, Simon.
Very good Theodore.
Ah, Alvin, you were a little flat, watch it.
Ah, Alvin. Alvin. ALVIN!
Want a plane that loops the loop
I still want a hula hoop
We can hardly stand the wait
Please Christmas, don't be late.
We can hardly stand the wait
Please Christmas, don't be late.
Very good, boys
-Lets sing it again! Yeah, lets sing it again!
No, That's enough, lets not overdo it
-What do you mean overdo it?
-We want to sing it again!
Now wait a minute, boys
-Why can't we sing it again?
-[chipmunk chatter]
Alvin, cut that out..Theodore, just a minute.
Simon will you cut that out? Boys...
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
The Lord's prayer
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lord's_Prayer
- Our Father, which art in heaven,
- hallowed be thy name;
- thy kingdom come;
- thy will be done,
- in earth as it is in heaven.
- Give us this day our daily bread.
- And forgive us our trespasses,
- as we forgive them that trespass against us.
- And lead us not into temptation;
- but deliver us from evil.
- [For thine is the kingdom,
- the power, and the glory,
- For ever and ever.
- Amen.]
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Friday, December 07, 2007
溜溜调 歌词
Thursday, November 29, 2007
a freedom fighter's poetry
任脚下响着沉重的铁镣,任你把皮鞭举得高高,我不需要什么自白, 哪怕胸口对着带血的刺刀!人,不能低下高贵的头, 只有怕死鬼才乞求“自由”;毒刑拷打算得了什么? 死亡也无法叫我开口! 对着死亡我放声大笑, 魔鬼的宫殿在笑声中动摇;这就是我——一个共产党员的自白, 高唱凯歌埋葬蒋家王朝。
yeah, yeah, they're communists, but still "men in chains" are they not?
“不孝有三,无后为大”出自《孟子·离娄上》。原文是:“不孝有三,无后为大,舜不告而娶,为无后也,君子以为犹告也”。 《十三经注疏》中在“无后为大”下面有注云:“于礼有不孝者三,事谓阿意曲从,陷亲不义,一不孝也;家贫亲老,不为禄仕,二不孝也;不娶无子,绝先祖祀, 三不孝也。三者之中无后为大。” 白话问解释就是:一味顺从,见父母有过错而不劝说,使他们陷入不义之中,这是第一种不孝;家境贫穷,父母年老,自己却不去当官吃俸禄来供养父母,这是第二 种不孝;不娶妻生子,断绝后代,这是第三种不孝 。
It is interesting to note that although 无后为大 is known as the most important trespass against one's parents, the foremost to be mentioned is the error of "阿意曲从,陷亲不义", and secondly "家贫亲老,不为禄仕". Both very practically important. Statistically, #1 and #2 are probably more frequent and causes #3.
zhān huā rě cǎo
niān huā rě cǎo
zhān huā rě cǎo
zhāo huā rě cǎo
Other interpretations:
- One thing of note is that 花 is girl, and 草 is boy (as in 校花,校草), then, this also means a very prosmiscuous bi-sexual person, who plays with both boys and girls, grasses and flowers.
- One more interpretation is that the act of disturbing the flower is to annoy the grass.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Saturday, November 10, 2007
I hate racists
Continuation: "If your race all believe in racism, then you have made me what I hate the most!"
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Staple's easy button cheer
quiz quiz
do you know what time it is?
school is back, believe it!
success, you can achieve it.
this year will be a clean slate,
so don't you even procrastinate.
get organized and call the vet,
'cause you will be the teacher's pet!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
称呼对象 | 称呼 | 自称 | 他人之敬称 | 向他人谦称 |
父亲的祖父 | 曾祖父 | 曾孙(曾孙男)、曾孙女 | 令曾祖(曾翁) | 家曾祖父 |
父亲的祖母 | 曾祖母 | 曾孙(曾孙男)、曾孙女 | 令曾祖母 | 家曾祖母 |
父亲的伯祖父 | 曾伯祖父 | 曾侄孙(曾侄孙男)、曾侄孙女 | 令曾伯祖父 | 家曾伯祖父 |
父亲的伯祖母 | 曾伯祖母 | 曾侄孙(曾侄孙男)、曾侄孙女 | 令曾伯祖母 | 家曾伯祖母 |
父亲的叔祖父 | 曾叔祖父 | 曾侄孙(曾侄孙男)、曾侄孙女 | 令曾叔祖父 | 家曾叔祖父 |
父亲的叔祖母 | 曾叔祖母 | 曾侄孙(曾侄孙男)、曾侄孙女 | 令曾叔祖线母 | 家曾叔祖母 |
父亲的父亲 | 祖父(爷爷) | 孙(孙男)、孙女 | 令祖(令祖父) | 家祖父(家祖、家公) |
父亲的母亲 | 祖母(奶奶) | 孙(孙男)、孙女 | 令祖母(尊祖母) | 家祖母 |
父亲的伯父 | 伯祖父 | 侄孙(侄孙男)、侄孙女 | 令伯祖父 | 家伯祖父 |
父亲的伯母 | 伯祖母 | 侄孙(侄孙男)、侄孙女 | 令伯祖母 | 家伯祖母 |
父亲的叔父 | 叔祖父 | 侄孙(侄孙男)、侄孙女 | 令叔祖父 | 家叔祖父 |
父亲的叔母(婶母) | 叔祖母 | 侄孙(侄孙男)、侄孙女 | 令叔祖母 | 家叔祖母 |
父亲的姑父 | 姑祖父(姑爷爷) | 内侄孙(内侄孙男)、内侄孙女 | 令姑祖父 | 家姑祖父 |
父亲的姑母 | 姑祖母(姑奶奶) | 内侄孙(内侄孙男)、内侄孙女 | 令姑祖母 | 家姑祖母 |
父亲的舅父 | 舅祖父(舅爷爷) | 外孙(外孙男)、外孙女 | 令舅祖父 | 家舅祖父 |
父亲的舅母 | 舅祖母(舅奶奶) | 外孙(外孙男)、外孙女 | 令舅祖母 | 家舅祖母 |
父亲的姨父 | 姨祖父(姨爷爷) | 姨外孙(姨外孙男)、姨外孙女 | 令姨祖父 | 家姨祖父 |
父亲的姨母 | 姨祖母(姨奶奶) | 姨外孙(姨外孙男)、姨外孙女 | 令姨祖母 | 家姨祖母 |
父亲 | 父亲(爸爸、爹爹) | 子(儿、男)、女(儿、女儿) | 令尊(尊翁、尊君、尊公) | 家父(家严、家公、家君、家尊) |
父亲的妻子 | 母亲(妈妈) | 子(儿、男)、女(儿、女儿) | 令堂(令慈、令母、令萱) | 家母(家慈、家堂、家萱) |
父亲的继妻 | 继母(妈妈) | 继子、继女 | 令继母(令堂) | 家继母(家慈) |
父亲的哥哥 | 伯父(伯伯) | 侄(侄子)、侄女 | 令伯(尊伯) | 家伯父 |
父亲的嫂子 | 伯母 | 侄(侄子)、侄女 | 令伯母 | 家伯母 |
父亲的弟弟 | 叔父(叔叔、仲父) | 侄(侄子)、侄女 | 令叔(贤叔) | 家叔父(家贤叔) |
父亲的弟媳 | 叔母(婶母、季母) | 侄(侄子)、侄女 | 令叔母 | 家叔母(家婶母) |
父亲的姐妹 | 姑母(姑妈) | 内侄(内侄子)、内侄女 | 令姑母 | 家姑母 |
父亲的姐夫(妹夫) | 姑父 | 内侄(内侄子)、内侄女 | 令姑父 | 家姑父 |
父亲的堂兄 | 堂伯父 | 堂侄(堂侄子)、堂侄女 | 令堂伯 | 家堂伯父 |
父亲的堂嫂 | 堂伯母 | 堂侄(堂侄子)、堂侄女 | 令堂伯母 | 家堂伯母 |
父亲的堂弟 | 堂叔父 | 堂侄(堂侄子)、堂侄女 | 令堂叔 | 家堂叔父 |
父亲的堂弟妇 | 堂叔母(堂婶母) | 堂侄(堂侄子)、堂侄女 | 令堂叔母(令堂婶母) | 家堂叔母(家堂婶母) |
父亲的表伯父 | 表伯祖父 | 表侄孙(表侄孙子)、表侄孙女 | 令表伯祖 | 家表伯祖父 |
父亲的表伯母 | 表伯祖母 | 表侄孙(表侄孙子)、表侄孙女 | 令表伯祖母 | 家表伯祖母 |
父亲的表叔父 | 表叔祖父 | 表侄孙(表侄孙子)、表侄孙女 | 令表叔祖 | 家表叔祖父 |
父亲的表叔母(婶母) | 表叔祖母 | 表侄孙(表侄孙子)、表侄孙女 | 令表叔祖母 | 家表叔祖母 |
父亲的表兄 | 表伯父 | 表侄(表侄子)、表侄女 | 令表伯 | 家表伯父 |
父亲的表嫂 | 表伯母 | 表侄(表侄子)、表侄女 | 令表伯母 | 家表伯母 |
父亲的表弟 | 表叔父 | 表侄(表侄子)、表侄女 | 令表叔 | 家表叔父 |
父亲的表弟妇 | 表叔母(表婶母) | 表侄(表侄子)、表侄女 | 令表叔母 | 家表叔母 |
父亲的堂姐妹 | 堂姑母(堂姑妈) | 内堂侄(内堂侄子)、内堂侄女 | 令堂姑母 | 家堂姑母 |
父亲的堂姐妹夫 | 堂姑父 | 内堂侄(内堂侄子)、内堂侄女 | 令堂姑父 | 家堂姑父 |
父亲的侄儿 | 堂兄、堂弟 | 堂兄、堂弟、堂姐、堂妹 | 令堂兄、令堂弟 | 家堂兄、舍堂弟 |
父亲的侄媳 | 堂嫂、堂弟妇 | 堂兄、堂弟、堂姐、堂妹 | 令堂嫂、令堂弟妇 | 家堂嫂、舍堂弟妇 |
父亲的侄女 | 堂姐、堂妹 | 堂兄、堂弟、堂姐、堂妹 | 令堂姐、令堂妹 | 家堂姐、舍堂妹 |
父亲的侄女婿 | 堂姐夫、堂妹夫 | 堂兄、堂弟、堂姐、堂妹 | 令堂姐夫、令堂妹夫 | 家堂姐夫、舍堂妹夫 |
称呼对象 | 称呼 | 自称 | 他人之敬称 | 向他人谦称 |
母亲的祖父 | 外曾祖父 | 外曾孙(外曾孙男)、外曾孙女 | 令外曾祖 | 家外曾祖父 |
母亲的祖母 | 外曾祖母 | 外曾孙(外曾孙男)、外曾孙女 | 令外曾祖母 | 家外曾祖母 |
母亲的父亲 | 外祖父(外公、姥爷) | 外孙(外孙男)、外孙女 | 令外祖父 | 家外祖父 |
母亲的母亲 | 外祖母(外婆、姥姥) | 外孙(外孙男)、外孙女 | 令外祖母 | 家外祖母 |
母亲的伯父 | 外伯祖父 | 外侄孙(外侄孙男)、外侄孙女 | 令外伯祖父 | 家外伯祖父 |
母亲的伯母 | 外伯祖母 | 外侄孙(外侄孙男)、外侄孙女 | 令外伯祖母 | 家外伯祖母 |
母亲的叔父 | 外叔祖父 | 外侄孙(外侄孙男)、外侄孙女 | 令外叔祖父 | 家外叔祖父 |
母亲的叔母(婶母) | 外叔祖母 | 外侄孙(外侄孙男)、外侄孙女 | 令外叔祖母 | 家外叔祖母 |
母亲的姑父 | 外姑祖父 | 外侄孙(外侄孙男)、外侄孙女 | 令外姑祖父 | 家外姑祖父 |
母亲的姑母 | 外姑祖母 | 外侄孙(外侄孙男)、外侄孙女 | 令外姑祖母 | 家外姑祖母 |
母亲的舅父 | 外舅祖父 | 外孙(外孙男)、外孙女 | 令外舅祖父 | 家外舅祖父 |
母亲的舅母 | 外舅祖母 | 外孙(外孙男)、外孙女 | 令外舅祖母 | 家外舅祖母 |
母亲的姨父 | 外姨祖父 | 外姨孙(外姨孙男)、外姨孙女 | 令外姨祖父 | 家外姨祖父 |
母亲的姨母 | 外姨祖母 | 外姨孙(外姨孙男)、外姨孙女 | 令外姨祖母 | 家外姨祖母 |
母亲 | 母亲(妈妈) | 子(儿、男)、女(儿、女儿) | 令堂(令慈、令母、令萱) | 家母(家慈、家堂、家萱) |
母亲的丈夫 | 父亲(爸爸、爹爹) | 子(儿、男)、女(儿、女儿) | 令尊(尊翁、尊君、尊公) | 家父(家严、家公、家君、家尊) |
母亲的后夫 | 继父(爸爸) | 继子、继女 | 令继父(令尊) | 家继父(家严) |
母亲的兄弟 | 舅父(母舅、舅舅) | 外甥(外甥男)、外甥女 | 令舅父 | 家舅父 |
母亲的嫂子、弟妇 | 舅母(舅妈) | 外甥(外甥男)、外甥女 | 令舅母 | 家舅母 |
母亲的姐妹 | 姨母(姨妈) | 姨外甥、姨外甥女(襟侄、襟侄女) | 令姨母 | 家姨母 |
母亲的姐夫(妹夫) | 姨父(姨爹) | 姨外甥、姨外甥女(襟侄、襟侄女) | 令姨父 | 家姨父 |
母亲的堂兄弟 | 堂舅父 | 堂外甥、堂外甥女 | 令堂舅父 | 家堂舅父 |
母亲的堂嫂、堂弟妇 | 堂舅母 | 堂外甥、堂外甥女 | 令堂舅母 | 家堂舅母 |
母亲的表伯父 | 外表伯祖父 | 外表侄孙(外表侄孙子)、外表侄孙女 | 令外表伯祖 | 家外表伯祖父 |
母亲的表伯母 | 外表伯祖母 | 外表侄孙(外表侄孙子)、外表侄孙女 | 令外表伯祖母 | 家外表伯祖母 |
母亲的表叔父 | 外表叔祖父 | 外表侄孙(外表侄孙子)、外表侄孙女 | 令外表叔祖父 | 家外表叔祖父 |
母亲的表叔母(婶母) | 外表叔祖母 | 外表侄孙(外表侄孙子)、外表侄孙女 | 令外表叔祖母 | 家外表叔祖母 |
母亲的表兄弟 | 表舅父 | 表外甥、表外甥女 | 令表舅父 | 家表舅父 |
母亲的表嫂、表弟妇 | 表舅母 | 表外甥、表外甥女 | 令表舅母 | 家表舅母 |
母亲的表姐妹 | 表姨母 | 表姨外甥、表姨外甥女 | 令表姨母 | 家表姨母 |
母亲的表姐夫、表妹夫 | 表姨父 | 表姨外甥、表姨外甥女 | 令表姨父 | 家表姨父 |
Monday, October 08, 2007
oldie but goodie insult
Sunday, October 07, 2007
If my gf is not the prettiest one who is?
Thursday, October 04, 2007
an excerpt from the lonely guy's diary
Coming home after a long day of work. Most of nervous energy built up from a day of chucking down coffee has drained completely from the semi-hour commute.
Looking through his inbox, he did not find the email that he has been eagerly anticipating from the most beautiful girl he's ever met... The girl, that has occupied his cranial cavities for these eternal days.
Not that he was expecting anything, after writing to her while very drunk some days ago.
Maybe it's in spam box... some very important emails has come through to him in the spam box before.
Alas, but it was not to be. Gmail apparently has gotten this spam thing down good.
gently, he felt every piece of his body, in a rare moment of cohesion sighed together.
Without the strength to open a bottle of beer. He is home, sober.
Without the courage to patronize a high quality drug dealer, he is home, lucid.
Without the social skills to befriend a hooker, he is home, alone.
He collapses onto his sofa. His most dear sofa, so soft, so reliable, always reassuringly there, always, when ever he needed it;
so soft, he can feel every single fabric, with every fiber of his being;
so close, he can smell every single drop of sweat, blood, tear, and..., well, and other things originating from his body, but only his body--so shockingly refreshing, he amaze even himself some times;
so firm, he feels like silk table cloth fallen onto a naked table, so fittingly placed, his body draped, also naked, looking like a crooked big from ceiling;
so sexy, he can feel sofa's arousal, groaning, moaning, sinuously heaving under him, "oh! ohh!!, oooohh!!!", harder! sit harder!!! she moans, lower!!! sit yet lower!!! stroke my legs with your foul feet, put your hand between my cushions, harder!! deeper!! longer!!! 'aaawwwwwh!!!! Fill me!!! fill me!!!!! fill all my crevices!!!!"
so dominating, this large creature, enchanted by passion, possessed by evil, looms about him, over powering him! Sitting on him, he, kneeling, facing away, his arms, also bound, behind him, his head, held by the comfort of the cushion! bent backward, like the figurehead statue at head of an ancient boat on it's maiden voyage--but without the admirably extruding bosoms, taught, wrung, dripping, the last drips of black, potent vital coffee.
A scream, so foreign, sounding as if from an unknown source, horrifying, in ecstasy:
"hocus pocus!! abracadabra aparecium alakazam, colloportus confundo, erecto expecto expelliarmus, incantatem, preto, presto, presto!"
And the spell is lifted....
He lies face down, legs still buried under her to the knees, emaciated, inanimate,
It would appear, when he uttered the stop-words, it would not only turn off that which loves him dearest, but it would also disable his soul.
This all just goes to show the quality of top google search result in his quest for love, for he is left without the wit to feel like the unluckiest guy on this whole cursed internet.
"what about me?" a timid voice arose, and scared the bejesus out of the narrator...
It would appear, that this is his lucky day, because the sofa's smaller sister, the love seat is still steaming, hot with all the magic of the night...
narrator: "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ! it's a twin sofa!!!"
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
[man to women]
What the French? toast?
as opposed to, presumably,
What the fuck, bitch!
this isn't a fucking toilet, fucking google! goina sue your fucking ass off!!
Sunday, September 30, 2007
(civic test review, hawhawhaw)
excerpt from hopelessly lonely guy's diary
So I was having this conversation with the most beautiful girl that I've ever seen, and she asks: "hey, hopelessly lonely guy, why do you sound so acerbic."
I said, "Well, seeing as how I've been pouring my heart out to you all this time... I think it's beginning to drain from stomach acid... But it's okay, it'll be a while before that runs out and I resort to stuff just "above the belt"
[she laughs :) I know she's laughing at me..., but it's okay, at least we're doing it together]
obligatory retort:
"so that stuff before you got sour was from your heart?",
said with obvious dim view of prior conversation,
Hmmmm, this would be quite an unexptected turn of events:
"I can't wait until I get to the rest of you."
some poem.
author is a person named "匈牙利诗人裴多菲" according to baidu knows. The rhyme scheme seems matching even in Chinese.. :)
Saturday, September 29, 2007
famous startup startups
'I started it during a long weekend.'
'I wrote it in my dorm room geeking out with friends."
'I started it in my friend's kit."
How come none of these guys ever said...
'I was on the rocks with my gf, and it came with a scotch on the rocks.'
'well, we were in the sack, and right when I was about to climax, this idea came to me... Of course, the consequent intercourse was coitus interruptus, so to speak, but she forgave me..., eventually'
or, more likely
'well, I was wankering off one day, and ..., well, and it just came" (to me...)
Thursday, September 27, 2007
What is an inning?
Mandatory thought:
"is this why they call it that in a baseball game?"
Sunday, July 15, 2007
famous saying:"uhhh, I think that's: some are people born great, some achieve greatness, while others have greatness thrust upon them"... Otherwise, it would be quite disgusting.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
A pick up line that actually works.
girl: (reluctantly), ok...
guy: WHAT?? really??
Monday, July 09, 2007
some cool sayings
here are some other sayings from baidu knows:
haha :)
Friday, June 29, 2007
haha sex jokes
bf:.... uhh, you didn't know that was me??
bf: (oops, climax too early)
gf: don't worry, that happens to a lot of guys
bf: waita minute, who's this " a lot of guys ", and if it's happening to so many of us, that it is your fault?
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
A letter to myself in a parallel universe
Dear myself, how do you do?
I am writing, because I cannot stand my current circumstances any longer. A company's future, depends only on it's competitive practices and not it's legal and ethical standards and practices. From what I've seen of conducts of many companies, their executives down to lower management have little respect for very basic employee rights. Such actions are spawn by a cultural tradition of irreverence to some most fundamental things that humanity has come to respect in its long torturous journey. Sadly, there is nothing that can be done about it. Those that suffer, will continue to suffer--forever; those that cause the suffering, will do so happily earning their large wages, worldly respect, and enjoying pissing and shitting on other people's heads and shoulders. Millenniums of human civilization, apex of this culmination, has come to such proudly pitiful fear driven social disorder.
Such is the world that I live in. How about your world?
I hope you had a nice day.
Always yours truly parallel.
Minor Loser
Sunday, June 24, 2007
The More Loving One
That, for all they care, I can go to hell,
But on earth indifference is the least
We have to dread from man or beast.
How should we like it were stars to burn
With a passion for us we could not return?
If equal affection cannot be,
Let the more loving one be me.
Admirer as I think I am
Of stars that do not give a damn,
I cannot, now I see them, say
I missed one terribly all day.
Were all stars to disappear or die,
I should learn to look at an empty sky
And feel its total dark sublime,
Though this might take me a little time.
--W. H. Auden
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Knocked up
Knocked up, though initially appearing to be a very cruel movie about white-trash, good-for-nothing, poor, weed smoking insult to American Jews. Eventually, it turned out to be a sweet heart warming comedy about coming together, and revival of a certain American spirit.
The movie starts with some frat-like partying of some unemployeed friends living in LA. they identify themselves as Jews by joking about hair, and various cultural events. The happy, but ultimately depressing circumstance is that they have been losers for several generations. Ben Stone, is an unemployed single guy who "only smokes weed in the morning". It is eventually revealed that Ben's father, has a life filled with divorses and drug consumption. Supposedly, this is a fairly strong insult on the Stone family, if it existed for real.
Alison is a hot blonde who got a job with E! entertainment (on camera), and parties until she has unprotected sex with Ben and becomes pregnant--"Knocked Up".
Ben is not a responsible person and has no job nor any skills. After finding out that he's knocked up Alison, he becomes a sweet and increasingly responsible person and takes on a job, asks Alison to marry him, and persists, after she refuses(while pregnant), until she does. Finally, he becomes the "man" of the family successfully dealing with very stressful time with controlling family member (Alison's sister), Surprise disappearance of Alison's doctor (at a Bar Mitzvahs, of all things), and over bearing professional Asian doctor who threaten to quit when Alison made unusual request about the birth procedure...
So, all's well that ends well... But it sure got a little messed up there for a while when for entire scenes at a time, the movie is entirely dedicated to the display of various disgusting American traits on some poor Jewish people.
Being a fellow over weight person (Ben's a little chubby), I think it's a good story that he got a hot blonde chick so easily... Even if he had to become a family man eventually.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
I am nobody! Who are you?
Are you nobody, too?
Then there's a pair of us--don't tell!
They'd banish us, you know.
How dreary to be somebody!
How public, like a frog
To tell your name the livelong day
To an admiring bog!
--Emily Dickinson
Sunday, June 10, 2007
half way into the date
girl:"No, but they did tell me that I'm too truthfully to be good."
[girl:"Oh, and? btw! You suck!"]
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Just because you are full of shit
Just be cause you are full of shit, don't assume the rest of us are.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Defensive guy with performance anxiety
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Jealous Chinese dude
"All Chinese girls want to fuck is white men and Chinese guys who went to Tsinghua."
... after a minute..., and couple more shots...
"All that a Chinese girl wants to fuck is white man, black man, rich man, and Chinese guys who went to Tsinghua University."
... Another minute passes...
"All that a Chinese girl wants to fuck are white men, black men, rich men, smart men, men with reasonably large dick, and Chinese "men" who went to Tsinghua University."
... Then after another copule of minutes... his brain said...
"Oh... you mean they're girls?"
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Some sayings
--Arthur Schlesinger Jr.
"Worldly wisdom teaches that it is better for reputation to fail conventionally then to succeed unconventionally."
The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money,
--John Maynard Keynes.
"While markets appear to work in practice, we are not sure how they work in theory"
-- Maureen O'Hara
poem from volkswagen commercial
Politicians lie to us like they've got a grudge
We're in a decaying spiral of fevered verocity
Hope, springs !!
An extra degree of freedom
So, next time when somebody says: "Is this free?" you have yet another liberty to consider. ;-)
Fun work place conversation
Men and women..., said a coworker one day, are like propeller air planes and internal combustion engine cars... One, though primitive, can be jump started just by playing with the propellers... where as the other one, however advanced, and computer controlled, when the battery dies, there's nothing u can do about it...
bfb(from gmail list)
The Rotten Bay Loser women are the most attractive among all of Chinese women. This is not so impressive, except that that is a population almost a half of a quarter of the entire human race. They are black blonde's: their long curly hair... drenched in pheromone, constantly luring the male losers. Their twinkly eyes, possess the same qualities as the geisha's..., with one longing glimpse, she can bring a man to his knees. Their heads, always held high, nobly. Their elegant arms, slender, flexible as any Indian yogi's, clean as jade, soft as tofu, yet strong as an ox so as to be able to carry babies. Their torsos, never overweight, never quite covered correctly, inspire a sense of controversy, always moving with the grace of Arabian belly dancers. And the legs, their beautiful, sexy Amazonian legs comes with guarantee to shrink any man's pants. The songs of the Loser's women are in yet another league of their own.
So, next time, when you visit the bay, make sure to join the rotten losers, where you can meet these gorgeously rotten babes.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
wedding vow
When I'm wet,
You are wet,
When I'm dry,
you are dry,
When I sing,
you listen.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
the general applicability of probability
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
What does that girl do for me?
When the dogs bite, (the fecal matter still all over my palette)
Then the bees sting, (the backstabbing knife still bleeding red)
When you're feeling sad, (and the pickpocket's hands still in my wallet)
I simply think of my favorite things..... (that burning smile, in my head)
And I don't feel soooooo baddddddd.
Saturday, April 07, 2007
big titles
So apparently, Shirley was an ambassador to ..., and received a powerful title of: Omnipotentiary or Plentipotentiary. (I can't seem to find a reference to either, but both are titles). Anyways, it's an interesting thing... to be some-thing-largely-potent-iary.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Monday, March 05, 2007
Dad: I loved you so much, and all I wanted is respect and obedience...
Son: No! Dad! you never loved me, you only loved that I came from you and will grow to be you!
[[dad, at this point, has deadly drug hooked up in the guy's wife's neck, and the guy has a remote switch that detonates if he releases, and the dad has shot the guy's shoulder with a guy, and is waving the gun around threatening more shots..]]
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Did I wake you?
Carrie: ...... Oh, did I wake you?
Big: yes... But next time be at the door... Naked.
Women: How do you say so long to a period that is too long?
me: huh????? (It's a commercial)
Friday, February 02, 2007
If there were gold in hell
The blacks will show up a couple fortnight later to offer their service as butlers and servants.
The Chinese will show up several centuries later, admire the political system in hell, and burn their own butts to a crisp looking around for gold that isn't there anymore. They will work hard, up the corporate chain (why sure, of course there's corporations in hell.) and become a low level technical manager. Then they will sit on the next generation's head and piss their things off on their heads, feeling quite happy for the sufficient progress he has made in his life time from his 40's till retirement.