Sunday, September 30, 2007

excerpt from hopelessly lonely guy's diary


So I was having this conversation with the most beautiful girl that I've ever seen, and she asks: "hey, hopelessly lonely guy, why do you sound so acerbic."

I said, "Well, seeing as how I've been pouring my heart out to you all this time... I think it's beginning to drain from stomach acid... But it's okay, it'll be a while before that runs out and I resort to stuff just "above the belt"

[she laughs :) I know she's laughing at me..., but it's okay, at least we're doing it together]


obligatory retort:

"so that stuff before you got sour was from your heart?",

said with obvious dim view of prior conversation,

Hmmmm, this would be quite an unexptected turn of events:

"I can't wait until I get to the rest of you."


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