Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Easy Day

Okay, this is a repeat, but, previously I had thought that the navy seal's motto was

"The easiest day was yesterday."

This statement implies that the training gets easier. Because, on any given day d, day d-1 was easiest. But on day (d+1) the easiest day is d. This means day d is easier than day (d-1). aha, each day gets easier.

I was properly corrected today:

"The only easy day was yesterday."

Which is definitely different.

Day d: the only easy day is (d-1)
Day d+1: the only easy day is (d)

so...... on day (d+1) day (d-1) is not easy having experienced day (d)... Hmmm, so..., seems like the same statement as above.

But still, I recall admiring the training when I heard about the navy seal as a teenager... And certainly, I didn't realize the implicit series until recently, and this realization in no way decrease my admiration for the training.

And of course, I should mention that I also realize that "getting easier" may imply a growth of the trainee, that the trainer cannot keep providing harder and harder days. Which would make sense as well.

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