Tuesday, February 26, 2008


from a caller on KTSF in an interview “黄河” gave to Orlando Shih on 今夜有话要说:


Monday, February 25, 2008

Chinese marriage ceremonies

links 1, 2, 3, 4 English ver.,百度 articles, more details, adds drinking/bow parts, and this...

  • 一拜天地.
  • 一鞠躬:感谢天地造化世间万物.
  • 二 鞠躬:祝愿神州华夏国泰民安.
  • 三鞠躬:祝愿中华大地风条雨顺五谷丰登.
  • 二拜高堂
  • 一鞠躬:感谢父母的养育之恩
  • 二鞠躬:感谢父母对儿女的无私奉献
  • 三鞠躬:祝愿父母福如东海,寿比南山
  • 夫妻对拜(行夫妻大礼, no, that doesn't mean sex!!)
  • 一鞠躬:祝二位新人相亲相爱,天长地久.
  • 二鞠躬:祝小两口心心相印,永结同心.
  • 三鞠躬:头碰头白头到老.
  • 还拜客人
  • 一鞠躬:谢来宾喜贺新婚喜上眉梢.
  • 二鞠躬:谢喜得祝福喜得关怀.
  • 三鞠躬:祝大家喜中有乐,喜酒喝好.
  • 新郎新娘同饮"交杯酒",
  • 龙凤紫砂杯斟满天上雨水与地下矿泉酿造的美酒,聚天地精华,入新人血脉。
  • 第一口恩恩爱爱不变味。
  • 第二口:一世良缘不褪色。
  • 第三口:天地作证永相随。

For those of you who are nitpickers, 网人说这个是汉族习惯。若是别族,还得喝血、摔跤,唱歌、跳舞什么的,麻烦死了,难死了!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

correct bug to feature transition

recall Mark Twain's "lies, damned lies, and statistic(ian)?s" obligatory wiki link.

similarly, the bug to feature transition happens this way:

"Bugs, more bugs, and features!"
"Bugs, bigger bugs, and features!"
"Bugs, buggier bugs, and features!!"
"Bugs, buggy bug fixes, and features."
"Bugs, dumber bugs, and features!"
"Bugs, damned bugs, and features!"


The invasion of bodysnatchers

I was a happy person, ..., at least I thought I was a person to be happy.

until the Aliens invaded us in an clandestine massively distributed but gradual invasion.

Every night... the aliens come out of no where and take my body parts...

At the onset, we did not notice this. A little patch of hair here, and a bit of nail there. Some were happy that they didn't have to get hair cuts, while others wondered why their fingers hurt when they bit the nails...

Then, suddenly, one day, I woke up with out a right ear lobe. I was horrified!!
"Something is wrong!! something is wrong!!!" I yelled as I stared into the mirror for minutes and minutes.
"What's wrong???" slithered a silence.
"Something is wrong!!! something is wrong!!!" It's on the tip of my tone. "my..., my..., what's that big bald spot on my head? there's something oddly off balance about my suddenly balding head. Where's... where's.?"

uuuugh!!! I just couldn't find it! what is wrong with me!!!! "It's, it's... something is missing..."

Some calm drifted down through my spine...

"If you're missing an ear lobe, you could compare to a picture of yourself" the voice slithers again, arousingly hypnotic."

I stumble back into my bed room, where's my picture? ahh! there's one on my night stand... back to the bathroom, back to the bathroom.... let's see.. Hmm, looks right. The transparent finger pointing at the ear missing lobe looked just like the one on my head.

that night... I went through all my pictures back to the one taken at my birth... They're all like that. There's something wrong... it's... it's missing something. But if it's always been this way... and if it fell off last night, It would hurt right?

...... right.

Then, then,.... they took toes, and fingers, and then, eventually whole limbs... and organs... But somehow, I am never able to find anything wrong with things disappearing--they have always been missing, except for a sneaking suspicion inside that screams: "WAKE UP!!!! They're trying to take your ......" then the last part garbled, and clearly suppressed. Not quite muted, just scrambled and filtered, censored. ( I think they took something that was a pride or joy in my life. Something definitive of me... I can't say what it is, since I don't think I've ever had that... But their snickering seem to indicate it was something that I'd be sad to not have.) Then my torso shortened... Like those seen in discovery channel, where they froze a person's body and cut centimeter by centimeter to take picture of the cross section. It just kept on getting shorter... I was getting anxious... But what was I to do? I can't seem to remember what I would do in such a situation... It would appear that I do not have any facilities to respond to this situation. There aren't any instincts that would (still) appear to me to otherwise be logical... some kind of scape?

Finally, my head remains, suspended in a white space. (ohh, right, they seem to have taken furniture, and roads, and trees, and air, and earth, and all that too. But those seem so inconsequential and imaginary compared to my bald, naked, (now) ear-less, nose-less, lip-less, teeth-less head with two big round blinking eyes.

And they begin to carve into that as well. higher cognitive functions begin to fade... no no, they are taken slowly out, so that I don't miss them so much.Then something happens, as if they're tinkering with the wiring, faint remembrance of past memories, sensations, but only as if in a dream, flashes of lightening...

Then, as if returning from lunch, the aliens... are they aliens? well I call them aliens resumed their burglary: an eyeball here, a semi-sphere there... Finally, there was nothing left but the skull.

UGH! I can't think!!!!

Then, as vaguely as it begin, the lessening ended with the final vanishing of the outer of my consciousness.

But there's nothing wrong with this. I can't for the sake of goodness find any prove that I've ever existed, or that I've had a body or once thought...

Sunday, February 17, 2008

about cocks and what nots

Funny conversation, guy brags to girls:

"so, I used to have a cock for pet back on the farm..."

realizing something, he stopped. His good natured friend said to him..

"uhh, It's called a rooster, Otherwise, you may be coming up empty."

[girls laugh...]

more mod's


also, one observation is that by hypothetical syllogism we have 仁义 is also shit. ;-)

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Funny Vallentine poems

From wikipedia:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roses_are_Red,_Violets_are_Blue
They say roses are red
And violets are purple,
Sugar is sweet
And so is maple surple.

They say roses are red
And violets are purple,
Sugar is so sweet
And you're so supple.

They say roses are red
And violets are purple
Honey is sweet
but not as sweet as you.

Roses are FF0000
Violets are 0000FF
All of my bases
are belongs to you
holy geek pride...

Monday, February 11, 2008

sex, marriage, and civility

In any traditional civil society, frequent sexual encounter obligates the man and women to soon be engaged and locked in marriage.

In any modern civil society, it is impolite not to have sex with the girl.

sex, marriage, and civility

In any traditional civil society, frequent sexual encounter obligates the man and women to soon be engaged and locked in marriage.

In any modern civil society, it is impolite not to have sex with the other person.